Category Archive: Chicago Half Marathon

Visit Our Booth at the Shamrock Shuffle 8K

Life Time Fitness joins the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K in kicking off Chicago’s endurance season at the Shamrock Shuffle Health & Fitness Expo this weekend. Join us at McCormick Place, Hall F1 Friday, April 1 from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m or Saturday, April 2 from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Along with other healthy lifestyle vendors, Life Time will present the Transamerica Chicago Triathlon, Chicago Half Marathon & 5K, Michelob ULTRA Chicago Spring 13.1 & 10K, and the Gildan Esprit de She women’s race series.

In addition to exclusive on-site expo offerings you’ll have the opportunity to speak with local triathlon and run coaches to set up your race season or take on an additional personal challenge. Make plans to join us in booth #133 for one of our exclusive sessions lead by the best coaches in the business*: 

11 a.m. Chicago Triathlon 101 – You Can Do This, Life Time Tri
12 p.m. 8K to Half Marathon, Your Next Challenge – Chicago Endurance Sports
1 p.m. Chicago Triathlon 101 – You Can Do This, Life Time Tri
2 p.m. Be Your Potential – Women’s Triathlon – Nic Ruley, Well-Fit Triathlon and Training
3 p.m. Beginners Guide to Training & Nutrition – Coach Chris Navin, TriMonster
4 p.m. 8K to Half Marathon, You’re Next Challenge – Life Time Run
5 p.m. Take On Your First Triathlon – Live Grit Endurance Team
6 p.m. You Can Do This – Chicago Triathlon 101 – Coach Chris Navin, TriMonster
7 p.m. 8K to Half Marathon, Your Next Challenge

10 a.m. Chicago Triathlon 101 – You Can Do This – Chicago Endurance Sport
11 a.m. Be Your Potential – Women’s Triathlon – Coach Lynn Flentye, Life Time Tri
12 p.m. Beginners Guide to Training & Nutrition – Coach Chris Navin, TriMonster
1 p.m. Take On Your First Triathlon – Coach Nic Ruley, Well Fit Triathlon
2 p.m. 8K to Half Marathon, Your Next Challenge – Life Time Run
3 p.m. Chicago Triathon 101 – You Can Do This – Coach Nic Ruley, Well Fit Triathlon
4 p.m. Be Your Potential – Women’s Triathlon – Coach Lynn Flentye, Life Time Tri
5 p.m. 8K to Half Marathon, Your Next Challenge – Life Time Run

*Schedule is subject to change.

Fitness Fix: Improve Your Hip Mobility

By Andrew Heffernan

Back pain. Knee pain. Poor posture. Difficulty getting up off the floor. Trouble squatting and deadlifting. What do all these physical limitations have in common? They’re symptoms of poor hip mobility, says physical therapist Kelly Starrett, DPT, author of Becoming a Supple Leopard.

The hips are the most powerful hinges in the body, and they’re vital for everyday movement, he says. “But we sit so much — and move our hip joints into their end range so infrequently — that nearly all of us end up with limitations.” The following moves will mobilize the hip flexors (muscles on the front of each hip joint), the hip extensors (those in the back, including the glutes), and the hip rotators (a complex of six smaller muscles along each joint capsule), all of which contribute to pain-free function and improved athleticism.

Try these exercises post-workout or pre-bedtime for better movement in and out of the gym.


  1. Stand inside a doorway and turn to face the door frame on your right.
  2. Step back with your left foot and place your knee and lower leg on the floor to the left of the wall behind you (place a pad under your left knee if necessary).
  3. Slide your left leg backward along the wall until you feel a stretch in the front on your left hip.
  4. Raise your chest and torso and extend your arms overhead.
  5. Grab the doorjamb behind you and slide your arms as far overhead as possible.
  6. Press your lower back toward the doorjamb and hold it there for the duration of the stretch.
  7. Breathe deeply, hold for one to two minutes, and repeat on the other side.


  1. Stand facing a thigh-high table, desk, high bench, or the armrest of a couch.
  2. Bend your right knee and raise your leg to rest your shin on the table, as if you’re doing a modified pigeon-pose stretch.
  3. Bend your torso directly forward over your leg.
  4. Press your elevated leg into the table for a five-count, then release for a 10-count, moving more deeply into the stretch. Contract and release five times.
  5. Repeat the stretch with your torso rotated gently to the left, and again rotated to the right. Keep your back neutral and avoid rounding forward.
  6. Slowly come out of the stretch.
  7. Repeat the entire sequence with your left leg on the table.

Andrew Heffernan, CSCS, GCFP, is an Experience Life contributing editor. This article originally appeared in Experience Life, the no gimmicks no-hype health and fitness magazine. Learn more at

How to Dress for Your Next Chilly-Weather Workout

by Nicole Radziszewski

Are you wondering what to wear for an outdoor workout when it’s cold? Or if it’s better to over or underdress at the start? We’ve got some answers for your next outdoor run. 

Since your body temperature rises during vigorous exercise, common advice dictates dressing as if it’s 20 degrees F warmer outside, says Anne Pezalla, an RRCA running coach in Oak Park, Ill.

Everyone is different, though, and “you sometimes have to learn from your mistakes to see what works for you,” she says.

For outdoor winter workouts, Pezalla says, it’s better to wear too much at first and be a little warm than to wear too little and be uncomfortably cold. She recommends dressing in layers that you can adjust as you start warming up, such as a jacket with removable sleeves, arm warmers that you can pull down, or a headband that can be folded to cover or uncover your ears.

It’s also important to choose fabrics that wick away moisture. In cold weather, this means wearing a base layer of wicking fabric that fits close to your skin. Socks made from natural fibers such as wool or mohair will not only keep your feet warm, but they’ll also keep them dry and prevent blisters. Avoid cotton, since it traps moisture when you sweat, causing your body to lose heat faster.

Nicole Radziszewski is a writer and personal trainer in River Forest, Ill. This article originally appeared in Experience Life, the no gimmicks no-hype health and fitness magazine. Learn more at

Rediscover Your Inner Athlete

By Laurel Kallenbach, Experience Life

Strategies for rethinking your self-image and goals so you can enjoy the benefits of a realistic, and really fun, fitness identity.

Most competitive athletes, no matter their age, have a vivid, personal highlight reel: sprinting across the finish line ahead of the field; eluding ferocious tackles to score the winning touchdown; swishing an impossible three-pointer at the buzzer.

There’s real pleasure in cuing up these glorious, defining memories, of course. Except that, for many of us, those memories didn’t happen yesterday — or even last year. The most remarkable stuff occurred in high school or college, some 10, 20, 30, or even 40 years ago.

Back then you were fueled by a tightly focused determination and drive. You practiced hard, got to the gym early, and stayed late. You trained until you were beyond sore, fueled by fierce competition or the love of your game. You slept well and ate right because you knew it would improve your performance. You had a clear vision of what you intended to achieve.

Today, your fitness focus might be a good deal blurrier. Maybe watching ESPN is your most vigorous activity. Or perhaps you still work out regularly but find that your heart is no longer in it. Perhaps, because of an injury or the passing of the years, your body’s been sidelined from your favorite athletic activities — or it balks at the idea of moving as fast as it used to.

In your chest, though, there still beats the heart of an athlete. You’re a person who once loved activity and challenge — a person who once lived for an athletic goal. You just need to find your way back. You need to find a reason to get fired up.

The good news is that, for most of us, there’s still plenty of time to get strong, play hard, and have fun. It simply requires dedication and an understanding that what you accomplished “back in the day” can both inspire and improve your present situation.

Part of making this forward-looking transition may involve setting new goals and rekindling a new, healthier relationship with your body, one that suits your current priorities, physical condition, and way of life. It may involve letting go of what was, saying goodbye to a former sport of choice, or stripping off an old, outgrown athletic identity that’s begun to feel like a too-tight varsity jacket.

In other words, you don’t have to jettison your golden athletic memories; you just have to loosen your grip on them — and their grip on you. As Marianne Williamson, best-selling author of 15 books, including The Age of Miracles: Embracing the New Midlife (Hay House, 2009), says, “It’s important to start defining ourselves by who we are right now instead of who we aren’t anymore.”

Back in college, Adam Tinkham lived to play soccer, and he was good at it. In fact, he even went pro for a time before he retired because of injuries. For years afterward he drifted from job to job without finding his niche. He’d train for soccer tryouts from time to time, but his fitness routine felt monotonous. Tinkham’s college team had been like a surrogate family, and without this social network, he had trouble meeting people. He also missed the admiration generally accorded star athletes.

Eventually, Tinkham discovered yoga and meditation, which helped him relax and exercise more mindfully. These days, he also cycles for transportation and to stay in shape. And, he’s finally found work he loves: coaching soccer at Chicago’s Team Evanston. “I see my former self in the athletes I coach, but I wouldn’t go back,” says Tinkham, now 43. “It was hard giving up my primary identification as an athlete, but I’m more balanced now — and it feels good.”

Tinkham articulates a realization that many of us would do well to take to heart, notes Williamson: Once we let go of preconceived notions of how things “should be,” we become free to embrace a radically new kind of life — one that’s often more satisfying than we could have imagined.

“It’s sad saying goodbye to youth,” she admits, “but after we’ve moved through that grief — not denied, suppressed, or minimized it — we can joyfully embrace where we are now.”

Age eventually becomes an issue for everyone, but it hits many body-oriented athletic types particularly hard. A person who was identified heavily by his or her physical presence and abilities may experience frustration, grief, and even shameover the perceived loss or downgrade of those attributes.

Navigating physical changes can be challenging, Williamson acknowledges, but she argues that getting older brings unanticipated gifts, too. “When you’re young, you might not appreciate what a miracle your body is,” she says. “When you’re older, you realize, ‘Wow, look at where this body has taken me and what it still does for me.’ That understanding will carry you through the next stage of life in a healthy way.”

The first shift involves realigning our relationship with cultural biases that accompany aging — whether we’re 21 or 65 — that are both unfair and unproductive. “If your mental attitude about age is that it’s all a decline, then your body will be in decline,” Williamson explains. “If you see aging as a change — but not a bad one — then your body can physically age in fantastic ways.”

This shift in competitive consciousness will help you become more sensitive to your body’s true needs, desires, instincts, and responses. For instance, Williamson suggests striving to cultivate awareness, curiosity, and patience rather than raw force and conventional competitiveness. “Who made the rule that faster is better?” Williamson asks. Athleticism in later life, she says, is “all about the journey, not the finish line.”

That last truism may sound laughable to serious competitors — because to them, of course, it’s always been about the finish line. If you stay overly attached to race times, rankings, and other rigid results, however, Williamson believes you’ll eventually wind up feeling that you’re fighting a losing battle. You’ll also miss out on some of the better, subtler experiences that a maturing body and life have to offer.

Take 63-year-old Phyllis Dodd, a massage therapist from Cary, N.C. “During the 20 years I was a competitive runner and triathlete, you could set your watch by my training schedule,” she says. “Racing defined me for so long, I couldn’t imagine life after competition.”

In 2001 Dodd was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, a disease in which the body stops making insulin. “At first I thought my diagnosis was a death sentence. I went through all the stages of grief; I wanted my old life back.” Just a year later, though, she ran a half-marathon — blood-sugar test kits and all — and won her age group.

Regular exercise reduces Dodd’s need for insulin, and she started to genuinely enjoy doing a variety of new activities. Today, competitive racing is no longer important to her.

“I exercise for fun and fitness now,” she says. “I hike with my husband and friends, play coed softball, work out at the gym, run for fun, ride my mountain bike, and play sports with my grandchildren. I used to train to beat the clock and other athletes, but now I train to beat the disease.”

The secret to staying motivated when you’re juggling your athletic, professional, and family identities is first getting your true priorities in order. It also involves finding something that not only makes you feel great, but that you love, says Chris Carmichael, coauthor of 5 Essentials for a Winning Life (Rodale, 2008).

Carmichael speaks from experience. The former Olympic and pro cyclist found himself out of shape and out of touch with his new reality when he stopped competing. It wasn’t until he started focusing on his current priorities and future health, rather than finish lines past, that he was able to transition from athlete to fitness educator, going on to launch Carmichael Training Systems (

“I’ve always loved riding my bike. In the old days it was because training meant winning races,” Carmichael says. “Now I ride because I like how training makes me feel — on and off the bike — and how it helps with weight management, stress reduction, mood, and energy levels. I didn’t think about those things as a pro racer, but like many older athletes, I really came to value them in my 40s.”

Reconnecting to your love of sport and reinventing your athletic self takes some mental flexibility. The first step is to honestly assess your body.

Are you seriously out of shape or just feeling a little deconditioned? Have injuries forced you into a long exercise hiatus? Even healed injuries can become obstacles if you’re afraid of reinjury. If you’ve been sidelined, try retooling your training to strengthen weakened muscles or to work around an injured area.

A physical therapist or personal trainer can offer exercises that address your physical situation.

Next, consider the time you can realistically commit to a new exercise regimen. If you’re balancing a full-time career and family, you probably have less time for sports and activity than you did at age 17. That doesn’t mean exercise shouldn’t be a priority; it just might not be the main priority.

“Embrace a big-picture view of fitness,” suggests Carmichael. “Realize how much more focused you’ll be at work and with your loved ones; think of fitness as a way to be active with your kids or grandchildren. When training becomes a hassle — as it does sometimes in a busy life — the big-picture view helps you see the enduring value of sticking with it.”

Once you can see your parameters more clearly, set a specific athletic goal, whether it’s participating in an event or embracing some new sort of active adventure. “Choose a goal that’s important to you, that represents a real challenge, and that’s several months away, so you have time to prepare gradually,” Carmichael advises.

Just trying something new can provide a much-needed shot in the arm — and it’s an injection you may want and need well before you hit a middle-age athletic slump.

Meghan Forgy, a 30-year-old certified personal trainer, competed in track and field in college and played softball for years, but as she reached her mid-20s she began feeling that she was “working out just to work out.” Then she discovered women’s tackle football, which reignited her enthusiasm for sports.

“Football is radically different [from anything I’d done] physically and mentally, which is why it rejuvenated me,” Forgy says. She now weight-trains for power and competition, and she feels inspired to work toward something besides aesthetics. “Now I’ve got big, muscular thighs that give me the strength and explosive speed I need to be a running back.”

While Forgy rediscovered her powerful new athleticism through full-contact competition, other postcollege athletes might find themselves exploring yoga, racquet sports, swimming, climbing, karate, or salsa dancing. The point is, there’s no set formula: It’s all about finding the joy that suits you now.

Many athletes struggle when they leave the structure of high school or college athletics, because for years they were told when to be at practice and what to do to perform their best. Now, with no schedule or set routine, some folks lose momentum. Others go into a temporary tailspin — before learning the art of self-motivation.

When she played professional tennis, Alison Gunning had a team of coaches to monitor her diet, performance, and body composition. At age 21, she left the sport because of repeated rotator-cuff injuries. Without her coaches, Gunning’s exercise routine flagged, and within two years her weight ballooned from 118 to 178.

“Until I was on my own, it didn’t click that my coaches knew more about how to feed me than I did,” says Gunning, now a fitness writer in Phoenix. “I didn’t understand the intricacies of how my body works, because someone had always told me what to do.”

Gunning started running, group cycling, playing softball, and reading up on nutrition. She experimented with different combinations of nutritional programs and exercise before ultimately returning to a healthier weight of 135 pounds.

Completing her first half-marathon was an especially meaningful victory. “I kept going because it was my personal goal. Nobody else told me to run; nobody paid me to do it. I trained myself in my spare time, and it was a great feeling.”

You don’t have to go it alone during your life transition, but you do need to take responsibility for your health. Even if you decide to gear up by working with a life coach, health coach, or personal trainer, be sure to retain full ownership of what you need (whether it’s encouragement, accountability, or know-how), and be clear about what you want to learn, do, and experiment with next.

By beefing up your fitness education, you can train more efficiently — important if you’re combining a busy lifestyle with athletic pursuits. Consult exercise and nutrition experts about your goals, health priorities, and concerns. Read up on anatomy, training, and sports nutrition. Consider cardio-fitness testing and heart-rate training. Experiment with interval training, cross-training, yoga, and Pilates to get back in shape. Listen to your body, especially when it needs rest. Keep a fitness journal to track what worked and what didn’t.

“A lot of us believe the only way to be a good athlete is to get whipped into shape,” says Diane Israel, MA, a Boulder, Colo.–based psychotherapist who specializes in helping ex-athletes apply positive skills to real-life situations. “That belief is not coming from a healthy place. I’ve seen a lot of great athletes perform even better when they train with kindness and balance. As you move into a new phase of your life, you want to come from a place of exercising for fun.”

As you reinvent yourself as the best athlete you can be right now, you can reprogram your internal messages and become your own cheerleader. “Your ideal inner coach is supportive and compassionate,” says Israel. It reminds you that you want to be healthy or get back into shape without beating you up about it.

A former world-class triathlete, Israel herself was once obsessed by negative messages. Driven to excel, she was only 28 when she collapsed from anemia, eating disorders, and chronic fatigue syndrome. “Athletics defined me,” she recalls. “I was ranked No. 3 in the world, but I felt like zero. Nothing I did was good enough.” She chronicled her struggles in the 2008 film Beauty Mark, which examines body image in female athletes.

Now 53, Israel has remade her athleticism into a joyful, eclectic pursuit that blends running, swimming, yoga, hiking, Pilates, dance, biking, and just about any movement that’s fun. “After beating up my body for so long, I now honor and celebrate being able to move every day,” she says.

As Israel transformed from a self-critical, injured athlete to someone who’s wholly connected — body, mind, and spirit — she identified some important components of a successful, adult approach to fitness and activity: Partner with your body. Invite it to participate and cooperate instead of commanding it to perform. Get out of your rut. Don’t repeat the same exercises. Explore new types of movement. Avoid mechanical or obsessive activities.

Have fun. The bottom line for reinventing your workout is to make it playful, creative, and diverse. Do what makes you happy.

With a little determination, you can quit looking back on who you were “back then” and blaze a path toward a new sort of athleticism. “Even if you’ve been away from athletics for years — even if you’re juggling work, family, and a million responsibilities — you can still tap into your motivation, discipline, focus, and determination,” Israel says. “Leave behind judgments from the past and just do what makes your body feel good. That’s how you free yourself to become the athlete you love being, at any age, at any level.”

Your past athletic training may have taught you discipline, but as your life changes and your relationship with sports changes, you can find yourself in a slump, either pushing too hard or not doing much of anything. Diane Israel, a Boulder, Colo.–based psychotherapist, suggests some ways to patch the disconnection between your old life and the new, soon-to-be-improved you.

The Disconnect: You’re bored by your fitness regimen, even though it’s physically demanding.

The Solution: Seek out some new and exciting forms of exercise.

The Disconnect: You don’t train, but on the weekends you risk injury by exerting yourself well beyond your comfort zone.

The Solution: Commit to two or three regular weekday workouts to start getting in shape. And take it easy, Weekend Warrior — overdoing it only proves you’re not training smart.

The Disconnect: You just can’t seem to commit to a sport or fitness routine.

The Solution: You may be blocked by all-or-nothing thinking. Do you believe you should either compete at an elite level or not at all? Stop taking yourself so seriously, and redefine your goals to include fitness for fun and socialization.

You’re ready to switch mindsets, but change is scary. “Take your focus off thinking about the possibility of failing and view your life as an experimental process — that way it’s easier to overcome challenges,” advises Margaret Moore, founder and CEO of Wellcoaches, a training firm for professional wellness coaches who help clients develop personal wellness plans. Moore shares her tips for moving forward with positive change:

  1. Reprioritize. “Your priorities are different at age 55 than when you were 25,” says Moore. “You have to modify your visions and goals as your life evolves.”
  2. Reframe. Making self-care and fitness a priority is tougher than it looks, because most of us put others’ needs before our own. Realize that staying fit and healthy is the best way to be of service to those you care about most.
  3. Take baby steps. Make small, gradual, sustainable changes. If you’re trying to lose weight, don’t crash diet. Instead, make just two small scale-backs each day. For example, swap the morning latte for a cup of tea and skip the midnight snack.

Who says workouts have to be drudgery? Explore your options.

  • Seek outdoor environments: Hike a new trail, rock climb or go kayaking.
  • Unite body, mind and spirit with martial arts. Try tai chi, qigong or aikido.
  • Be social. If you like camaraderie, join a league or club.
  • Compete again. Find a sport with age-bracket competitions.
  • Loosen up with yoga, Pilates or Gyrotonics.
  • Merge your to-do list with exercise. Run errands on foot or commute by bike.
  • Get creative. Try salsa dancing, Nia, belly-dancing or a hip-hop class.

As you’re working new athletic aspirations into your life framework, ask yourself these questions, suggests Chris Carmichael, CEO of Carmichael Training Systems, which has training centers in Colorado, North Carolina and Arizona.

  • Are you a solitary or team athlete? If you crave group dynamics, find like-minded enthusiasts who share your passion for soccer, baseball, volleyball, rugby or ultimate Frisbee. Individualists might try marathon running, cycling, swimming, cross-country skiing or triathlon.
  • Can your joints take a beating? If not, go lower impact with swimming, Nordic walking, snowshoeing, water polo, doubles tennis or equipment-assisted sports such as cycling.
  • How much time can you give? Golf, triathlons and skiing are difficult to incorporate into a busy lifestyle. Running, swimming, cycling and yoga are easier to slot into a schedule.
  • Do you thrive on competition? Look into tennis or racquetball. Or, focus your ambitions on age-group competitions — triathlon, cycling or swimming — so you’re on a level playing field.

Laurel Kallenbach is a frequent contributor to Experience Life, the award-winning whole-life health and fitness magazine dedicated to empowering people to become their healthiest selves.

2015 Michelob ULTRA Chicago Spring 13.1 & 10K Athlete Guide Now Available

Get ready for the 2015 Michelob ULTRA Chicago Spring 13.1 & 10K taking place on Sunday, May 17! We are thrilled that you will be joining us for this 7th annual, early season running event! We have another incredible event in store for you at this SOLD OUT event.

Whether you’ll be running the half marathon, 10K or Junior Dash, we can’t wait to see what you’ve got come race weekend. Check out the 2015 Athlete Guide for detailed schedules, course information and more.

> View the 2015 Athlete Guide

Please watch our website, Facebook page and emails for any additional updates before the race. We’ll see you at the start line!

Michelob ULTRA Chicago Spring 13.1 Officially Sold Out!

The 2015 Michelob ULTRA Chicago Spring 13.1 is officially sold out! Missed your chance to register? There are still a few ways to grab a spot:

MDA Team Momentum
Our 2015 Official Charity, the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), is accepting valuable donations from our participants through online and in-person registration for the race. And, we are excited to partner with MDA Team Momentum as our Official Charity Training Partner.

Join MDA Team Momentum to receive guaranteed race entry, team events and camaraderie, fundraising tools and most importantly, the opportunity to dedicate your participation to the fight against muscle disease!
>Learn more and join the team today!

Team Breakthrough
Team Breakthrough is the American Brain Tumor Association’s (ABTA) endurance training program. Team Breakthrough allows runners – from beginners to the more advanced – to train for this incredible race, while raising funds and awareness to advance the understanding and treatment of brain tumors.
> Learn more and register today!

Junior Dash
Does your little one want to race? Spots are still available for children 12 years old and younger to compete in the Junior Dash around the Park at Lakeshore East.
> Learn more and register today!

We’ll see you at the start line!

Running Through the Winter

By Rebekah Mayer, RRCA & USATF Certified Coach

Winter is officially here. Many runners are facing a choice: either run on the treadmill or learn to deal with winter. Here are some tips for braving the cold and getting the most out of winter training.

Dress right
Warm, wicking clothing is the most important aspect of running in the cold. Start with:

  • A wicking base-layer
  • A wind-resistant running jacket
  • Lined running pants
  • Smartwool or other merino wool socks
  • A good hat
  • Running gloves or mittens (they’re warmer than gloves if you have cold hands)
  • A face mask or Buff to cover your neck
  • Trail shoes or winter running shoes

If it’s really cold, you can add the following:

  • Additional layers on top and bottom
  • Hot packs in your mittens
  • Vaseline or “warm skin” for a layer of protection on your face
  • An extra layer of anything that tends to freeze up (gloves or face mask)

You should feel a little chilly at the start of your run, as it will feel about 20 degrees warmer once you’ve “warmed up.” Dress in layers so you can pull off the top layer if you get too warm.

Plan your route

  • Run into the wind first so you don’t have to deal with the wind chill once you’re warm and sweaty later in the run
  • On really cold days, plan routes that stay close to your starting location so you can drop back inside early if you need to warm up
  • Carry a cell phone in case of emergency. Keep it close to your body (in an inner pocket) so it doesn’t freeze up and become useless.

Other considerations

  • Expect your pace to be slower in the winter, both due to snow and ice and the extra layers you are wearing. The winter months are a great time to lay a good training base of easy, aerobic running.
  • If the trails are icy, save the speed-work for a treadmill or indoor track where you’ll find solid footing.
  • Run with a friend or group. You can keep an eye on each other in the cold and it makes the cold miles past faster even if you’re too cold to talk much.

With some good preparations and the right clothing, winter runs can be a peaceful adventure through a beautiful setting. We hope you enjoy your winter training!

Rebekah Mayer is National Training Manager for Life Time Run. Life Time Members and non-members are invited to take part in Finish Line Training programs and Social Runs available at 60+ locations nationwide. Learn more about Finish Line Training and Social Runs at